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23 Asian Expats Arrested for Money Laundering on Saudi Visit Visas

23 Asian Expats Arrested for Money Laundering on Saudi Visit Visas

In a recent development, Saudi Arabia has apprehended 23 Asian expatriates who were visiting the country on temporary visas, suspected of engaging in money laundering. The investigation was carried out by the Economic Crimes Prosecution, revealing a complex criminal organization at play.

A credible source within the Public Prosecution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia disclosed that these individuals had allegedly conspired to launder significant sums of money during their stay. What makes this case particularly intriguing is the fact that the accused were in possession of an astounding four million Saudi riyals in cash. They had discreetly divided and distributed this substantial amount amongst themselves as they made an attempt to evade authorities by boarding a truck at one of the land ports.

Subsequently, all 23 individuals were brought before the competent court to face the charges against them. Sixteen of the accused received harsh sentences, including 15 years of imprisonment and a substantial fine of seven million Saudi riyals each. The remaining defendants were not exempt from punishment either, with prison terms ranging from 4 to 8 years and varying financial fines.

The charges against them were not taken lightly, and the evidence presented led to a conclusive judgment against the accused. Following their jail terms, they will be deported to their respective home countries. Additionally, the money seized from these individuals will remain under the control of Saudi authorities.

The Public Prosecution emphasized the need for stringent laws governing cash currencies, underlining the substantial legal consequences they carry for economic activities. Any criminal activity involving such currencies will be met with severe criminal accountability.

This case serves as a reminder of the vigilance of Saudi Arabian authorities in combatting financial crimes and sends a clear message that money laundering, regardless of the visa status, will not be tolerated within the Kingdom.