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Jet Aviation Secures FOCA Approval for Thermography Testing in Basel

Jet Aviation Secures FOCA Approval for Thermography Testing in Basel

Jet Aviation, a leading aviation services company, has achieved a significant milestone with the recent approval from the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) for the use of infrared thermography in non-destructive testing (NDT) at its Basel facility.

This latest approval marks the sixth NDT technique authorized for use at Jet Aviation's Basel location. The company's NDT Shop in Basel, established in 1991, already supports a range of advanced testing methods, including liquid penetrant, X-Ray, magnetic particle, eddy current, and ultrasonic testing.

Infrared thermography is a highly sensitive and reliable method of NDT, offering valuable insights into the structural integrity of components without causing any damage. This approval from FOCA underscores Jet Aviation's commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety and quality in its aircraft maintenance and testing procedures.

The Basel NDT Shop has been a cornerstone of Jet Aviation's comprehensive testing capabilities, ensuring the airworthiness of aircraft components and structures. The addition of infrared thermography further enhances the company's ability to detect potential issues and defects with precision, contributing to the overall safety and reliability of the aircraft.

Jet Aviation continues to position itself at the forefront of aviation services by investing in advanced technologies and obtaining approvals for cutting-edge testing methods. The FOCA approval for infrared thermography reaffirms the company's dedication to providing top-notch services and maintaining its reputation as a trusted partner in the aviation industry.

With a history rooted in excellence and a commitment to innovation, Jet Aviation's Basel facility stands as a testament to the company's continuous pursuit of excellence in aircraft maintenance and testing. The FOCA approval for thermography testing is a testament to the company's ongoing efforts to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of aviation technology and safety standards.