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Dr. F. Abdul Raheem, Renowned Figure in Qur’an Translation, Passes Away

Dr. F. Abdul Raheem, Renowned Figure in Qur'an Translation, Passes Away

Medina, Saudi Arabia - In a somber moment for the world of Islamic scholarship, Dr. F. Abdul Raheem, who held the esteemed position of Director of the Translation Center at the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an in Medina, has passed away. Dr. Raheem's dedicated service and leadership in overseeing the translation of the Holy Qur'an into more than 77 languages left an indelible mark on the realm of religious and academic studies.

Dr. Raheem's tenure at the King Fahd Complex was characterized by an unwavering commitment to bridging linguistic and cultural gaps, making the teachings of the Qur'an accessible to people from diverse backgrounds. The complex, renowned for its pivotal role in producing and disseminating translations of the Holy Qur'an, benefited greatly from his profound expertise.

The translations produced under Dr. Raheem's guidance contributed significantly to the global reach of the Holy Qur'an. With versions available in over 77 languages, his work facilitated a deeper understanding of the Quranic text and its profound message among a broad and multicultural audience.

Dr. Raheem's impact extended beyond translation, as he actively engaged in promoting interfaith dialogue and fostering a greater appreciation for the Qur'an's wisdom and guidance. His dedication to promoting peace, understanding, and unity was a testament to his commitment to the values of Islam and his vision for a more harmonious world.

His untimely passing has left a void in the field of Qur'anic translation and Islamic scholarship, and his contributions will be remembered for generations to come. Dr. F. Abdul Raheem's legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural exchange and interfaith cooperation, as well as the power of language to unite and enlighten people from all walks of life.

The global community mourns the loss of a remarkable scholar and visionary, Dr. F. Abdul Raheem, whose work in promoting the understanding and dissemination of the Holy Qur'an touched the lives of countless individuals worldwide. His legacy will continue to inspire those who seek to bridge cultural and linguistic divides through the transformative power of translation.