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Inauguration of Taif Public Service Bus Marks a Milestone in Saudi Arabia

Inauguration of Taif Public Service Bus Marks a Milestone in Saudi Arabia

Taif, Saudi Arabia, witnessed a momentous occasion as Prince Saud bin Nahar, the Governor of Taif, inaugurated the Taif Bus project, ushering in a new era of public transportation services in the region. This significant event, attended by key dignitaries, including Dr. Rumaih Al-Rumaih, the acting president of the Transport General Authority, Taif Mayor Nasser Al-Rehaili, SAPTCO CEO Turki Al-Subaihi, and a team of specialists, marked the beginning of an ambitious venture to enhance mobility and convenience for residents and visitors alike.

This project, which is the first to be launched under the initial phase of Saudi Arabia's comprehensive public bus transportation initiatives, holds immense importance for the region. It comprises nine primary routes meticulously designed to connect Taif's major centers and iconic landmarks. With a focus on providing services to over 2 million passengers annually, this undertaking is poised to transform the transportation landscape of Taif.

The Taif Bus project boasts an extensive network covering 293 kilometers, with an impressive 182 designated bus stops strategically placed throughout the city. To ensure seamless service, 58 buses will operate continuously for 18 hours a day, backed by a team of 116 skilled drivers. This innovative initiative is set to revolutionize mobility options within Taif, offering residents of the governorate and visitors a more efficient and enjoyable travel experience.

As this new era of public transportation dawns in Taif, it promises to play a pivotal role in meeting the needs of the community while enhancing the overall travel experience for tourists and visitors. The Taif Bus project exemplifies the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's commitment to modernizing its transportation infrastructure and creating a more connected and accessible future for its citizens and guests.