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Procedure for Obtaining Final Exit Visa for Stranded Indians in Saudi Arabia

Procedure for Obtaining Final Exit Visa for Stranded Indians in Saudi Arabia

If you're an Indian expatriate facing issues in Saudi Arabia due to various permit-related problems such as an expired Iqama, Huroob status, or dependent permit expiration, the Indian Embassy or Consulate in Saudi Arabia can assist you in obtaining a final exit visa. This vital document will allow you to leave the country legally. To initiate this process, follow the steps outlined below.

Where to Apply for a Final Exit Visa for Stranded Indians?

The location where you should apply for your final exit visa depends on your place of residence in Saudi Arabia. If you reside in Jeddah, Makkah, Madina, or the surrounding areas, you will need to submit your application to the Indian Consulate in Jeddah. On the other hand, Indian residents living in regions other than those mentioned can apply through the Indian Embassy in Riyadh.

How to Apply for a Final Exit Visa for Stranded Indians through the Indian Embassy or Consulate?

To apply for a final exit visa through either the Indian Embassy in Riyadh or the Indian Consulate in Jeddah, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Prepare Your Documents: Collect all the necessary documents for your application, which typically include your passport, a copy of your Iqama, any relevant permits, and your visa.
  2. Visit the Appropriate Office: Go to the Indian Embassy in Riyadh or the Indian Consulate in Jeddah, depending on your place of residence in Saudi Arabia.
  3. Submit Your Application: Hand in your application, along with the required documents, to the respective office.
  4. Application Processing: The Indian Embassy or Consulate will process your application and verify the provided information.
  5. Payment of Fees: Pay any applicable fees for the final exit visa processing. The exact fee may vary, so make sure to check with the respective office.
  6. Biometrics and Interviews: You may be required to provide biometrics or attend an interview as part of the process. Be prepared for this step.
  7. Receive Your Final Exit Visa: Once your application is approved and all procedures are completed, you will receive your final exit visa.
  8. Travel Arrangements: After obtaining your final exit visa, make the necessary travel arrangements to leave Saudi Arabia within the specified timeframe.

It's important to note that the procedures and requirements for obtaining a final exit visa may change, so it's advisable to contact the Indian Embassy or Consulate for the most up-to-date information and guidance.

By following these steps and adhering to the instructions provided by the Indian Embassy or Consulate, stranded Indians in Saudi Arabia can secure their final exit visa and ensure a smooth departure from the country.