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Reporting Violations of the Ban on Working Under the Sun in Saudi Arabia

Reporting Violations of the Ban on Working Under the Sun in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, strict measures have been put in place to protect workers from the scorching heat of the sun. The ban on working under the sun, which is enforced from 12 PM to 3 PM, is a crucial initiative aimed at safeguarding the well-being of employees. This regulation came into effect on July 15 and is set to remain in force until September 15, 2023.

Mohammed Al-Rouzgi, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, has emphasized the importance of reporting any violations of this ban. The goal is to ensure that workers are not subjected to hazardous conditions during the hottest hours of the day. To facilitate this reporting process, the Ministry has introduced a user-friendly method.

According to Al-Rouzgi, if anyone comes across instances of individuals working under the sun during the restricted hours, they are encouraged to report these violations. This can be done through the Ministry's official mobile application, which serves as a convenient platform for reporting infringements. Additionally, individuals can reach out to the Ministry's unified customer service line at (19911) to voice their concerns and report any transgressions.

The ban on working under the sun is a commendable effort to protect the workforce from the harsh summer conditions in Saudi Arabia. By encouraging citizens to report any violations, the Ministry aims to ensure the effective implementation of this important regulation, thereby safeguarding the health and safety of workers across the kingdom. It is imperative that everyone plays their part in upholding this decision, promoting a safer and more humane working environment during the hottest part of the day.