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Saudi Arabia Economy Achieves Trillion-Dollar Milestone for the First Time

Saudi Arabia Economy Achieves Trillion-Dollar Milestone for the First Time

Saudi Arabia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has breached the trillion-dollar threshold, marking a historic moment for the nation as it joins the elite club of trillion-dollar economies. This significant milestone was revealed in a report by the Saudi Chamber of Commerce during the 93rd Saudi National Day celebration, showcasing the Kingdom's economic prowess.

The Saudi economy's remarkable achievement is underscored by its impressive GDP figure, which now stands at 4.155 trillion riyals. Notably, this accomplishment surpasses the state's 2025 economic goals and is further highlighted by an exceptional growth rate of 8.7%, the highest among G20 countries. The Kingdom's swift economic growth has positioned it as one of the fastest-growing economies within the G20 in the previous year.

This economic success story has not gone unnoticed by international financial institutions, with both the International Monetary Fund and other associated international organizations acknowledging Saudi Arabia's remarkable progress. These accolades are a testament to the Kingdom's commitment to enhancing vital economic indicators.

The driving force behind this impressive expansion is Saudi Arabia's robust productive capabilities. The nation has achieved a self-sufficiency rate of 81.2%, underlining its ability to meet a significant portion of its domestic needs independently. Furthermore, the Kingdom has experienced a surge in its investment rate, which now stands at an impressive 27.3%. These factors have been instrumental in propelling the Saudi economy to new heights.

One of the most significant outcomes of this economic transformation is the increased confidence in the Saudi economy, which, in turn, has bolstered trust in the Saudi riyal. Since 2021, deposits in the local currency have risen from 66.5% to 67.7% of total savings, reflecting the growing faith in the nation's economic stability and future prospects.

Saudi Arabia's journey to join the trillion-dollar club is a testament to its dedication to economic growth and self-sufficiency. The nation's remarkable achievement not only signifies a historic milestone but also demonstrates its potential as a global economic powerhouse. With continued dedication and prudent economic policies, Saudi Arabia is well on its way to shaping a prosperous future.