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Saudi Minister of Transport and Logistics Services visits GDDKiA in Poland to discuss cooperation and innovation

Saudi Minister of Transport and Logistics Services Eng. Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser visited the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) in the Republic of Poland on Tuesday.

During the visit, Al-Jasser was briefed on the GDDKiA's operations and its plans for the future. He also met with GDDKiA President Tomasz Żuchowski to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the field of transport.

Al-Jasser praised the GDDKiA's work in improving the Polish road network. He also expressed interest in learning more about the GDDKiA's use of technology and innovation to improve efficiency and safety.

The two sides discussed a number of ways to strengthen cooperation in the field of transport. These included:

  • Sharing information and expertise on road construction and maintenance
  • Jointly developing new technologies and innovations for the transport sector
  • Promoting trade and investment between the two countries' transport industries

Al-Jasser said that the visit was an opportunity to learn from the GDDKiA's experience in developing a modern and efficient road network. He also expressed his hope that the two countries would continue to work together to improve the transport sector in both countries.

Specific details about the GDDKiA's operations and its plans for the future were provided during the visit. The GDDKiA is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Polish national road network. The network consists of over 16,000 kilometers of roads, including 1,500 kilometers of motorways.

The GDDKiA is currently working on a number of major projects to improve the Polish road network. These include the construction of a new motorway linking Warsaw to Gdańsk, the expansion of the existing motorway network, and the rehabilitation of older roads.

The GDDKiA is also using technology and innovation to improve the efficiency and safety of the Polish road network. For example, the GDDKiA is using cameras and sensors to monitor traffic and detect accidents. The GDDKiA is also using drones to inspect roads for defects.

The visit by Al-Jasser is a sign of the growing importance of cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Poland in the field of transport. The two countries have a shared interest in developing efficient and safe transport networks that will support economic growth and development.