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Spend Thanksgiving in Arizona with Heartwarming Hosts – Here’s How

Spend Thanksgiving in Arizona with Heartwarming Hosts – Here's How

Wanda Dench and Jamal Hinton, the inseparable duo whose serendipitous meeting in 2016 touched our hearts, are inviting you to an early Thanksgiving dinner and an overnight stay at an Airbnb in Prescott Valley. Every now and then, a story graces the news for all the right reasons. The heartwarming tale of how Jamal Hinton and Wanda Dench crossed paths and forged a lasting friendship is one of those stories, and it comes with a delightfully happy ending, which is precisely why it resonates with so many of us.

Their story begins in 2016 when Hinton received an unexpected text from an unfamiliar number, inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner. The text was meant for Dench's grandson but was accidentally sent to Hinton (who is not her grandson). Prior to this fateful mix-up, the two had never met.

Upon realizing the mistake, Hinton messaged Dench, asking, "Can I still get a plate though?" Dench's response was heartwarming: "Of course you can... that's what grandmas do – feed everyone."

Their meeting went viral, and nearly a decade later, they remain the best of friends.

For those eager to learn more about their remarkable encounter and enduring friendship, Hinton and Dench are co-hosting an early Thanksgiving dinner and offering an Airbnb stay at Dench's residence in Prescott Valley, Arizona, which is just an hour and a half north of Phoenix and Scottsdale.

The dinner will take place on Monday, November 20, a few days before Thanksgiving, and is open to two guests who will enjoy a private room in Dench's home. They will join Hinton and Dench for a Thanksgiving-inspired feast, complete with some of their cherished traditions, including an annual selfie.

The Airbnb booking will become available at 11 a.m. MST on Tuesday, November 14, so be sure to mark your calendars if you aspire to secure a spot at their dinner table. The cost for this unique experience is only $16, in honor of the year Hinton and Dench's paths first crossed.

If you miss out on this extraordinary opportunity but yearn for an Arizona escape, perhaps with your own lifelong friend, consider booking one of our recommended Sedona Airbnb accommodations for a red rock-filled retreat. Alternatively, explore our Scottsdale guide for exciting activities and accommodation options in this stylish enclave just outside Phoenix. Another remarkable option could be embarking on a road trip from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon.