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Winners Announced for ‘Leave Your Mark At’ University Contest

King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) has revealed the triumphant designs from the 'Leave Your Mark at' University Contest, an event hosted by the prominent industrial ecosystem that places sustainability at its core. These chosen designs are set to come to life across four significant locations within the premises.

The victorious teams presented innovative designs that mirror the core values of the organization, integrating green technology and environmentally conscious construction materials into their creative concepts. During an awards ceremony, esteemed management acknowledged the winners, rewarding them with cash prizes and internships. The names of the winners will also be etched onto the constructed landmarks.

Mr. Saif Al Qahtani, CEO, mentioned, "Empowering Saudi youth stands as a top priority. We consistently aim to identify fitting opportunities that equip young individuals with necessary resources to refine their skills and advance their careers. The students' remarkable sketches, capturing the vision as a world-class energy hub, truly impressed us. Congratulations to all participants who left their mark."

Launched in May 2022, this competition was initiated in collaboration with universities in the Eastern Province. Its primary objective was to offer a platform for students specializing in Urban Planning, Architecture, Engineering, and Interior Design to learn directly from industry experts and exhibit their talents, knowledge, and creativity.

Aligned with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, the competition's aim is to foster a positive impact on local communities while enhancing collaboration between the organization and educational institutions. It also facilitates knowledge exchange and deepens the understanding of the leading industrial ecosystem in the heart of the energy sector.

A vital component of Vision 2030, this organization contributes significant socio-economic value. Leveraging its strategic position, it caters to robust local and regional demand, functioning as a hub for energy-related enterprises and connecting the globe to opportunities within the Saudi energy domain and beyond.