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Al-Aan Palace in Najran – A Architectural Masterpiece in Saudi Arabia

Architectural heritage holds a significant place in Saudi Arabia history, and its preservation stands as a pivotal endeavor backed by substantial investment in alignment with the Saudi Vision 2030 framework.

Nestled in the heart of Najran, the Al-Aan Palace stands as a testament to this commitment, showcasing a unique architectural style adorned with intricate white embellishments. With a history spanning over 340 years, this palace remains a resplendent jewel within the region architectural treasure trove.

Meticulous restoration efforts have breathed new life into the palace, which stands as a reflection of the region opulent heritage. Rich in locally sourced raw materials, the structures are artfully adorned with traditional designs, encapsulating the essence of the past.

Perched on the Aan Mountain to the west of Najran, the Al-Aan Palace stands tall, its four floors a manifestation of a distinctive architectural blueprint that encapsulates the local community identity and history.

Hussein Al-Makrami, the custodian of this architectural marvel, revealed that its construction dates back to 1688. Over the centuries, the palace has borne witness to numerous renovations, with the most recent and extensive restoration taking place in 2018.

A symphony of mud and the renowned building block technique of Najran comprise the entirety of this palace. Successive layers of stone-laden walls serve as the foundation, while roofs are ingeniously crafted from wood, palm trunks, fronds, and Ziziphus trees.

Al-Aan Palace emerges as an embodiment of traditional architecture, each of its four floors housing a distinct family. Encompassed by a protective wall, the palace stands adorned with circular and rectangular towers, a testament to its historical significance.

Al-Makrami elaborated on the palace interior, where rooms are thoughtfully equipped with tools, utensils, and garments that serve as a window into the region heritage. The palace graciously welcomes visitors three days a week, along with hosting official, educational, and tourist delegations throughout the year.