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Demonstrating Expertise: Group AMANA Role in The Red Sea Project

Saudi Arabia continues its vigorous pursuit of gigaprojects, steadfastly advancing towards the realization of Vision 2030. In this ambitious endeavor, the nation is fostering fresh ecosystems and unlocking novel sectors that thrive on sustainability and intelligent construction methods.

A prime example is the Qiddiya Investment Company, which enlisted the services of Abu Dhabi-based Group AMANA to erect their offices in a manner that epitomizes sustainability. The objective was to construct a 1,950 m² office complex for the gigaproject while adhering to a leaner, more eco-conscious budget.

Group AMANA affirms that this project is merely one among its prestigious ventures in the kingdom, as it commits to further expanding its footprint across Saudi Arabia.

In an exclusive discussion with Construction Week Middle East, Riad Bsaibes, President and CEO at AMANA Investments – also bringing over 15 years of expertise as the COO of Amana Contracting Group – provided insights into their operations within the kingdom. Bsaibes highlighted that DuBox collaborated with Qiddiya Investment Co. to develop an office complex catering to 150 employees, managing the project from concept to completion. Notably, they achieved the delivery of a productized solution ahead of schedule, accomplishing it within a mere 25 weeks and employing 30% fewer resources compared to a conventional project of similar scale.

Bsaibes emphasized, "This accomplishment owes itself to modular construction and advanced technology – DuBox played a pivotal role in enabling this achievement."

Furthermore, Bsaibes highlighted that The Red Sea Project provided another opportunity for Group AMANA to showcase its prowess. Through DuBox, they introduced a sustainable construction model that streamlined expenses, enhanced quality, and expedited the completion of the acclaimed Coastal Village Residential Buildings on the premises. Bsaibes noted the ecologically sensitive approach taken in this project, stating, "Modularization significantly reduced on-site construction, minimizing ecological disruptions. Simultaneous progress in building and site work led to considerable time and cost savings."

Delving deeper into the realm of sustainability and intelligent construction, Bsaibes expounded on Group AMANA's efforts with DuBox and DuPod. He elaborated on their burgeoning success in manufacturing technology, with factories and facilities offering seamless off-site construction solutions that align seamlessly with the kingdom's goals for efficiency and sustainability.

"DuPod aspires to provide a productive factory environment that fulfills market demands for swift, sustainable, and intelligent construction, creating substantial value," Bsaibes concluded.