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King Salman Energy Park Wins Construction Innovation Award for Pioneering Techniques

King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) has been honored with the "Innovation Project of the Year" award at the Construction Innovation Awards Middle East 2021. This accolade underlines the commitment to embedding innovation within its sustainability agenda, with several groundbreaking construction technologies introduced for the first time in Saudi Arabia.

A fully integrated energy hub, is dedicated to furnishing investors with a sustainable platform complete with top-tier infrastructure and services. With its initial phase of infrastructure development nearing completion, the project is swiftly progressing. Employs eco-friendly construction methods and advanced materials to not only minimize environmental impact but also provide investors with advantages by enhancing efficiency and lowering operational costs.

Saif Al Qahtani, President and CEO, commented, "For a monumental endeavor like, which seeks to bolster and diversify the Saudi economy by localizing the energy value chain, adopting innovative and sustainable construction techniques is imperative. This esteemed award underscores that sustainability has been ingrained in the foundation since its inception."

Recognized as the first industrial city worldwide to attain LEED Silver Certification, is also a pioneer in implementing various cutting-edge technologies, ensuring sustainability remains central to its development. By committing to sustainable construction methods and optimizing natural resources like power and water, assures energy sector investors that its infrastructure adheres to international standards and furnishes them with the necessary tools to promptly initiate operations.

Groundbreaking initiatives encompass the use of Podzolic green concrete, a novel construction material employing local recycled components as a partial cement substitute. Moreover, has introduced Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement Bars (GFRP) as a non-metal alternative to epoxy steel reinforcement in bridge decks, effectively reducing structure weight by 74%. Employing Conxtech structural steel technology for its administration building, has slashed the time required for construction by 60%, setting a new benchmark for innovation in the MENA region.