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Kuwait to Implement Stricter Expat Travel Regulations

Kuwait is preparing to roll out more stringent travel regulations for expatriates, requiring them to settle additional bills before departing the country.

As part of these new measures, expats could soon be obligated to clear their electricity and water bills before being granted permission to travel abroad, according to a report from the Arabic-language newspaper Al Rai.

Last week, Kuwait's Ministry of Interior introduced a rule mandating expats to settle their traffic fines and violations before leaving the country for any reason, emphasizing the importance of maintaining security and public order.

The expansion of expat travel rules The Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy has reportedly agreed to collaborate with the Ministry of Interior to link their payment systems. This collaboration aims to ensure that debts are settled before expats exit the country.

Unnamed sources cited in media reports indicate that Interior Minister Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled Al-Sabah has directed various ministries to work together to enforce debt settlements by expats before their departure. These measures are expected to take effect from September onward, requiring expats to clear any outstanding debts with electricity and water companies.

Kuwait's effort to address unpaid bills Kuwait is implementing these measures as part of its initiative to address the issue of significant amounts of unpaid bills. With more ministries encouraged to align their services with the Ministry of Interior, expatriates could potentially be required to settle transportation fees, utility bills, civil card penalties, and other outstanding payments before they can travel.

The collaboration between ministries and the integration of payment systems underline Kuwait's determination to ensure financial responsibilities are met by expatriates before leaving the country.